Conscious Movie Night

What is a ‘Conscious Movie Night’?

    • Regular gathering of community to watch socially conscious movies, break bread (dinner sometimes), create discussion and catch up.
    • We select the first couple of movies and we are open to suggestions
    • Movies are linked to various themes, allowing for variance in discussion; a mix from light hearted to hard hitting; and non-English movies are also welcome.


    • Intergenerational discussion and debate
    • Regular meeting points allowing us to build bonds and relationships
    • Great educational opportunity for adults and children alike
    • “Eat together and not separately for the blessing is in being together”, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
      Although we’ll be snacking together…



    1.  Tickets are £5 per person
    2. Secure your tickets using credit/debit card by clicking here 


Charity is important to us all. So in the spirit of giving back in any way we can, the total surplus from tickets sold for this event, will always be donated to a charity chosen by those attending a Conscious Movie Night event.