
The Dawoodi Bohras are a sect within the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam, and they have affiliate Jamaats (local communities) in various parts of the world. These Jamaats are usually organized around a mosque or community center, and they serve as the primary social and religious organization for Bohras in a particular area.

The Dawoodi Bohra community has a strong emphasis on community service and social welfare, and the Jamaats play an important role in facilitating these activities. They organize a wide range of programs and events, including religious ceremonies, educational activities, charitable initiatives, and cultural festivals.

Some of the key functions of the Jamaats include maintaining the local mosque or community center, organizing religious and cultural events, providing education and support for community members, and managing charitable activities and initiatives. They also serve as a platform for community members to come together and support each other, both socially and spiritually.

Overall, the affiliate Jamaats of the Dawoodi Bohras play a vital role in the community, providing a sense of belonging, support, and guidance for its members, and helping to promote the values of service, compassion, and social responsibility.

Reformist Jamats

Other Reformist Organisations

“Let me make one thing clear, and Fatema, you better make a good note about this. The understanding is this, because we don’t want confusion over this. Let’s clear as many doubts we possibly can at this stage. The trustees that are going to be appointed now will hold the capital. They will not be responsible to this conference or any other conference in the future. They’ll form their own sets of rules, they’ll go for registration to the government and carry out the requirements of the Trust Acts. They will then appoint managers and it will be only them who can remove the managers, replace them or renew them. They will not again be subject to elections at meetings like this. In other words we are creating a body that we entirely trust to carry on with the emotions that are expressed here today. If our emotions change, if anything happens, the trustees then will decide whether this is the reason why the trust was originally set up or not and then they can deviate the income to any other body. We can only ask them to issue the guidance, that the money should be spent this way. So let us be clear once and for all that these trustees, once we appoint them, we are surrendering our right to reject them or remove them from office. So let’s not have any misunderstanding about that.”

Fazlehusein Kapasi (‘The Life of a Reformist Bohra’)

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